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Choosing reusable cloth diapers is a big decision that can lead to a rewarding journey for you and your baby. But where do you start? Here are the most commonly asked questions on how to start your cloth diaper journey.

Nicki's Diapers is a family business founded by Nicki and later joined by her husband Jesse. As a husband and wife team, they worked together to ensure the highest quality products while following responsible environmental and social business practices. The company is now located in Akron, Ohio.

Diaper Leaks Overnight: 8 Solutions for Babies Peeing Through Their Diaper at Night


As many new parents will know, baby peeing through diaper at night is an incredibly common issue, particularly during the first few weeks after birth. It can be a stressful time for any new parent, but the good news is that there are several straightforward solutions to help prevent overnight diaper leaks and keep your baby dry and comfortable at night.

We've rounded up some top-notch advice, techniques, and products to prevent your baby from peeing through diapers at night so you can have the sweetest dreams possible!


Baby Peeing Through Diaper at Night: An Ordinary Concern 


baby peeing through diaper at night


The phenomenon of babies peeing through diapers at night is pretty regular. Babies have small bladders, so they tend to pee often. Combine that with the fact that, particularly in the early months, their diet is primarily liquid-based, and you've got yourself a recipe for soaked diapers.

Babies go through a developmental process when it comes to bladder control. They're acquiring the ability to hold their pee longer, which means they'll be able to go longer periods without needing a diaper change at night. As your baby's body matures and grows stronger, you'll see fewer midnight diaper changes as your child uses fewer diapers each night. In fact, by around 18 months, most babies are sleeping through the night without a single diaper change.

We know how hard it can be to get a good night's sleep when your baby is waking up with wet diapers and leaking into the crib sheets. There are a few reasons why a baby might keep peeing through their diapers at night:

  • They may have been given too many liquids before bedtime.
  • They may be teething, and experience increased thirst and urination as a result.
  • They may not have enough control over their bladder yet.
  • The baby has an infection or a urinary tract problem that's causing them to pee more than usual throughout the night.
  • If your baby's diapers don't fit correctly, they might leak or bunch up inside the diaper, which can lead to rashes and discomfort. 

Whatever the reason, you're not alone, and we can help you with some solutions to this nighttime diaper problem!

Soaked Diapers: The Downside

Even if you choose to cloth diaper–our preferred solutionyou will still have to deal with some diaper issues. Soaked diapers are bad for a few reasons:

1. Discomfort for the Child

baby keeps peeing through diaper at night


The first consequence of soaked diapers is discomfort for the child. A baby's skin is very sensitive, and even a small amount of moisture can make their bottom sore or irritate their skin.

It's not always convenient or easy to change a baby's diaper, but it is necessary to keep them clean and dry. If you notice your baby is uncomfortable due to a wet diaper, don't wait until the next feeding time to do something about it. Wetness can cause chafing and rashes, which can be uncomfortable for a baby. 

2. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Wet diapers can also lead to other issues, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), in babies who stay in wet diapers. This is because urine sits in the diaper for long periods and builds up pressure inside the diaper. This forces urine back into the urethra, which can cause an infection if left untreated.

3. Diaper Rashes

Diaper rashes are a common problem for babies. The most important thing to do is make sure your baby isn't wearing a wet diaper for too long. If a rash appears on their bottom, it's possibly from a build-up of moisture and skin bacteria. The rash will be uncomfortable for the child, as it may itch and burn.

4. Allergic Reactions

Even more upsetting is the presence of sodium polyacrylate, a common component of disposable diapers that causes serious health problems in children who wear diapers for long periods. 

Sodium polyacrylate increases the water absorption power of your baby's diaper, keeping them constantly drenched until it is changed. This chemical has been shown to cause allergic reactions in some children.

Baby Keeps Peeing Through Diapers at Night: Solutions

 Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this from happening! Here are our top recommendations for ensuring your baby doesn't pee through their diaper at night:

1. Embrace Cloth Diapers

use cloth diapers to keep the leakage when baby keeps peeing through diaper at night


Consider using overnight cloth diapers instead of regular diapers, as they tend to hold more moisture than other types of diapers. 

The best thing about cloth diapers is how adjustable and customizable they are. Plus, cleaning cloth diapers is also easier than you might expect. You can make them into extra-absorbent overnight cloth diapers by folding them certain ways and using more inserts. For example, if you're using prefold cloth diapers, you can fold prefold diapers in many ways (e.g., pad fold, angel fold, jelly fold, bikini fold) to adjust it to your baby's peeing habits. 

A newspaper fold works well for boys because they need more absorbency in the front of their diapers. Girls need more absorbency in the middle or back, so a bikini fold often works better for them.

Read our article, ClothDiapering Pros And Cons, to learn why cloth diapers are the perfect overnight solution to diaper leaks.

2. Try a Different Brand of Diaper

Every baby is different, so what works for one may not work for another. Some brands have better leak protection than others. So, try switching brands if your current one isn't working well enough anymore!

Consider the diaper material you're using. Some materials absorb liquid more efficiently than others. For instance, bamboo viscose, hemp, and cotton have high absorbency rates and are great choices for overnight use. Bamboo viscose, for instance, is incredibly soft and holds more than its weight in liquid, making it a superstar overnight diapering solution. So, when you're choosing your diapers, check the material and pick the ones that offer high absorbency.

3. Use Liners


diaper leak overnight


  • If you aren't using a diaper liner with your diapers, they’re a possible solution to soaked overnight diapers. Try adding another layer to help keep the mess from leaking diapers overnight contained a little better. You can also use a cloth diaper liner instead of disposable liners. These will allow your baby's skin to breathe a little better and may help prevent rashes.

4. Use Extra Padding on the Inside of the Diaper

  • Another way to help prevent leaks at night is to add an extra layer of absorbency inside your baby's diaper. You can do this with overnight diaper inserts or by layering two different types of inserts (such as microfiber topped with cotton). Just make sure that whatever you use fits snugly inside the diaper, so it won't shift around while your baby sleeps.
  • Note: If you use microfiber inserts, make sure not to place them directly against your baby’s skin. Microfiber is exceptionally absorbent, and it can suck moisture from your baby’s sensitive skin, resulting in rashes. Just layer a natural fiber insert (e.g., cotton, hemp, etc.) on top of the microfiber and you are good to go.

5. Use the Right Size Diaper 

  • Diapers come in different shapes and sizes, so make sure you're using the right kind for your baby's age and weight. For example, newborns need diapers with extra absorbency to hold up during those first few weeks of frequent feeding and diaper changes. 
  • Toddlers need a softer material that won't irritate their skin during long periods of wear. Older kids will appreciate a more durable plastic-backed style that holds up against their active lifestyles. Make sure they're snug-fitting around their waist and legs so there isn't any room for urine to wiggle its way out during sleep time!

6. Change Your Baby's Diet

  • Changes in diet can cause changes in bowel movements, which means that if your baby has been drinking more juice or eating foods high in fiber, they may be experiencing more leaks through their diaper. If this seems to be the case, try cutting back on these foods until things return to normal (or consult with your pediatrician).
  • While dealing with a baby peeing through their diaper at night you could also consider limiting  their liquid intake a couple of hours before bedtime. This might mean changing their feeding schedule a bit, but it could significantly reduce the amount of urine produced overnight. However, it's essential to discuss this with your pediatrician before making any significant changes to your baby's feeding habits.

7. Change your Baby's Diaper More Often

  • Change your baby's diaper more often to prevent diaper leaks overnight. If your baby is older than six months, they’ll probably be able to go longer between changes than a newborn would. If you’re using disposable diapers, you may need to change them more often because they don’t absorb as much as cloth diapers do.

8. Keep a Clear Routine

  • Your baby is used to going to bed at a certain time, so changing their bedtime routine or the amount of time they spend in the crib can throw off their schedule and make it harder for them to fall asleep. Try not to feed your baby right before bedtime, because that can also cause problems with nighttime urination.
  • Note: Talk with your doctor if the problem persists for more than a week or two after implementing these solutions. There could be an underlying medical issue causing your baby's frequent nighttime wetting, and it's better to get it checked out earlier rather than later.

Diaper Leak Overnight: Handling the Situation

So what do you do when your baby has a leaky diaper? 

  • First – Don't panic! Keep in mind that this is a normal part of being a baby. It's not something they can control, and it's not going to stop until they start potty training.
  • Second – Make sure your little one is dry before going to sleep again. A wet or soaked diaper will inevitably cause problems later on during the night. Change your child as soon as you think it's needed and check them again before putting them down for the night.
  • Third: Put a thick towel underneath your child's crib sheets so that any moisture that manages to escape from their diapers during the night can be absorbed by this instead of making its way into the mattress below them (which could cause stains later on).
  • You can also place absorbent pads underneath their sheets if this seems like too much trouble (or if you run out of towels).
  • Another tool you might want to consider is a good overnight cloth diaper pail, which keeps odors locked in at all times, unlike traditional pails that only do so when they're sealed up. It's not always easy to get your hands on one, but if you can find one for purchase online or in person, it's worth looking into, especially if you're dealing with a serious odor.

Remember, whenever dealing with a leaking diaper overnight, stay calm and address the situation without irritation.  It’s frustrating to deal with a diaper leak overnight, but it’s not baby’s fault–it's an entirely natural part of your baby's growth and development, and eventually, they'll gain better control over their bladder. Until then, arm yourself with these tips and gear up for some precious and peaceful nights!


Conclusion: Diaper Leaks Overnight: Tips to Prevent Your Baby From Peeing Through Diapers at Night

Nighttime diaper leaks are one of the most common baby problems that many parents might face. There are several factors that can contribute to this kind of accident. The best way to prevent this situation is to try out a few different ways to handle diaper leaks overnight. There are also various ways to solve the problem; for example, you can use diaper boosters or diaper liners that support your baby's skin and protect your bed sheets from wetness, odor, and stains.

All of these methods work great to help keep your baby from peeing through their diaper at night. Take some time to try out each of them, and see which method works best for you and your little one. While these tips can significantly reduce the frequency of your baby peeing through their diapers at night, it's essential to remember that each baby is unique. What works for one may not work for the other, and it might take a bit of trial and error to find the best solution for your little one. Just remember to be patient, stay flexible, and know that it's all part of the journey of parenthood.

All of these methods work great to help keep your baby from peeing through their diaper at night. Take some time to try out each of them, and see which method works best for you and your little one.